
摘要 Summary

王孝泉的一生八十余年,为近代中国打了一面镜子。 他历经几个中国最动荡的关键时刻,是中国近代史的目击者之一,也对福建的教育,经济,政治作过多种贡献。

他的婚姻与感情生活,夹在新旧社会之间, 渴望摆脱封建观念的桎梏,又受制于孝道伦理的传统,屡经挣扎。 他身為單親,抚育培植四兒四女,茹苦含辛,极重亲情,但绝不姑息溺爱,关心备至,又兼谆谆教诲,是慈父也是良师。

王孝泉生长于福州,福州又名榕城,榕树枝叶浓密,根须繁茂, 而他毕生为人行事,一贯保持了君子之风,所以“榕城君子” 一词,形容他是很贴切的。

Born in Banyan City (Fuzhou), Wang Xiaoquan raised eight children as a single parent after his wife passed away. At age 70, he proposed to the first love of his youth, but was met with a final blow from her premature death. Less known to his children, but historically more significant, was the pivotal role he played in transforming education, finance and politics in Fujian over a tumultuous period in Modern China.